Spanish Potatoes Recipe - Food.com cherry pepper, green pepper, chili dried/powder, caper, olive, potato, onion, garlic, tomato, bacon, water A deliciously different combination of flavors! Based on the review of 8/6/03, I have changed 3 tbls chile powder to read 3 tbls chile powder (or to taste). Serving Size: 1 (353) g Servings Per Recip...
| Shades O' Green Salad Recipe by admin | ifood.tv french dressing, green pepper, chives, avocado, olive, celery, cucumber, spinach, lettuce GETTING READY 1. Place the spinach in a colander and wash thoroughly to remove grit. 2. Drain and pat dry on paper towels and keep aside. 3. Separate the lettuce leaves from the head and wash well....
Spanish Omelette Recipe by Lucy | ifood.tv green pepper, pepper, parsley, olive, mushrooms, onion, celery, tomato, eggs, salt One of the most famous side dishes in Spain. The Spanish Omelette is a lip smacking dish which everyone should try. If you are searching for this recipe then consider this as your lucky day. GETTING R...
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