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This recipe came to me via a good friend who got it from another friend when we were looking for a dressing recipe to put on salad for a church fundraiser. THIS STUFF IS ADDICTIVE! Serving Size: 1 (34...
Try this recipe for Creamy Russian Dressing on In a small bowl, combine all ingredients until blended. Cover and chill. Similar Recipes dressing , russian dressing 0 Recipe Reviews S...
Try this recipe for Sweet Russian Dressing on Combine all ingredients except oil. Let stand for 10 minutes. Gradually add oil, blending well. Shake all ingredients well in a tightly cove...
The recipes shown can not be guaranteed to match all your search parameters. There will be some errors in our database, occasional errors in the text of the recipe (on the external website) we actually link to and differences of opinion on what ingredients we should exclude in our allergen groups (see here). You must personally check any recipes against your requirements, particularly dietary requirements.