Old English Sparkling Borage Wine Cup Recipe - Food.com borage, sugar, sparkling wine, white wine, ginger ale, brandy, lemonade, orange juice, ice Serving Size: 1 (260) g Servings Per Recipe: 6 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 372.6 Calories from Fat 0 g 0 % Total Fat 0.1 g 0 % Saturated Fat 0 g 0 % Cholesterol 0 mg 0 % Sodium 12...
| Olive Garden Italian Iced Maraschino Recipe - Food.com maraschino cherry, amaretto, kahlua, vodka, cranberry juice, cherry juice, pomegranate syrup, cream, ice This recipe is from the files of Riserva di Fizzano and the Rocca delle Macie Winery – Olive Garden’s Italian Partners. Serving Size: 1 (123) g Servings Per Recipe: 4 AMT. PER SERVING % ...
Christmas Hot Mulled Wine Recipe mixed spice, cloves, cinnamon, orange, sugar, red wine, cointreau, brandy Great Christmas drink! Stick one clove into the peel of each of the orange wedges. Put 6 wedges into a stainless-steel pan, along with the red wine, brandy or Cointreau, broken cinnamon stick, mixed s...
| Homemade Irish Cream Recipe - Food.com chocolate flavoring, scotch whisky, vanilla extract, coconut extract, eggs, rum flavoring, whisky, brandy, condensed milk, half and half I was given this recipe from a frugal friend. Irish cream is expensive but this recipe makes it more economical. Use like you would an Irish cream. It is delicious! Serving Size: 1 (1210) g Servings ...
| Zinfandel Sangria With Brandy and Orange Recipe - Food.com lemon, nectarine, peach, apple, sugar, red wine, triple sec, brandy, orange juice, water Sangria is wonderful on a hot summer afternoon by th pool! This is really good! From Bon Appetit Serving Size: 1 (343) g Servings Per Recipe: 20 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 395.6 Calo...
| Orange Basil Margarita Recipe - Food.com basil, orange, lime, sugar, gold tequila, sour mix, water, ice I like an orange heavy Margarita and one day I had basil on the counter and the rest is history. Serving Size: 1 (83) g Servings Per Recipe: 6 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 105.4 Calori...
| Christmas Shot Recipe - Food.com raspberry liqueur, melon liqueur This is a layered shot, for best effect use a tall thin liquer glass. If done correctly, you should have a layered red and green shot perfect for celebration, if not-a muddy brown mess. Serving Size: ...
| French Martini (The Webtender) grand marnier, raspberry liqueur, sparkling water, orange juice Mix all ingredients in a shaker with ice, chill and strain in a Martini glass or cocktail class. You may also add sugar to the rim if you like. Creator/contributor's comments: This is a great ch...
| Irish Car Bomb | Recipes Wiki | Fandom stout, irish cream, irish whisky The Irish Car Bomb is made with 3 different Irish drinks. Source: Irish Car Bomb from the Wikibooks Bartending Guide Serves: 1 1⁄2 pint Guinness stout 1 oz. Jameson Irish whiskey 1 oz. Bailey...
| Alli's Rob Roy Recipe - Food.com scotch whisky, cherry, sweet vermouth Rob Roy is a sweet Scottish boy; that's how to remember the ingredients! Taken from my Drink recipe box; this is the one I learned to make, as a bartender. Posted for ZWT. Serving Size: 1 (65) g ...
| In the Pink Recipe - Food.com x-rated fusion liqueur, red bull, mango juice Here is a pink premium drink with a kick of caffeine, which is yummy and fun and a great sitting-by-the-pool beverage. Three tips: To make it even easier, use any fruit juice if you don't have the...
| Trojan Horse Recipe - Food.com stout, cola Another great St. Patrick's day brew. Serving Size: 1 (2965) g Servings Per Recipe: 1 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 1261.2 Calories from Fat 0 g 0 % Total Fat 0 g 0 % Saturated Fa...
| Moulin Rouge Recipe - Food.com grand marnier, raspberry vodka, pomegranate juice I've been told this cocktail is popular in Paris Serving Size: 1 (0) g Servings Per Recipe: 1 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 0 Calories from Fat 0 g 0 % Total Fat 0 g 0 % Saturated...
| Head Room Recipe - Food.com irish cream, melon liqueur, banana liqueur Sweet and funky! Recipe from Liqueur-drink-recipes.com Serving Size: 1 (16) g Servings Per Recipe: 1 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 50.9 Calories from Fat 21 g 43 % Total Fat 2.4 g 3 % ...
| Blackjack Recipe - Food.com gin, kirsch, creme de cassis Gin, Creme de Cassis, and Kirsch combine for a memorable cocktail.. Serving Size: 1 (43) g Servings Per Recipe: 1 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 112.7 Calories from Fat 0 g 0 % Total Fa...
| Champagne Lemon Recipe - Food.com sparkling wine, peach schnapps, bitter lemon Champers with a bit of tang! From drinkswap. Serving Size: 1 (60) g Servings Per Recipe: 1 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 49.5 Calories from Fat 0 g 0 % Total Fat 0 g 0 % Saturated Fat...
| Orange Vodka Recipe - Food.com orange, sugar, vodka Serving Size: 1 (994) g Servings Per Recipe: 1 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 2132.6 Calories from Fat 1 g 0 % Total Fat 0.1 g 0 % Saturated Fat 0 g 0 % Cholesterol 0 mg 0 % Sodium 8...
| Cassisco Recipe - Food.com creme de cassis, brandy, club soda Black Currant meets Brandy in a cocktail less boozy due to the addition of club soda. Serving Size: 1 (43) g Servings Per Recipe: 1 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 125.5 Calories from Fat...
| Beton Recipe - Food.com becherovka, tonic water, lemon juice Found on the Becherovka website and loosely translated. ;) Serving Size: 1 (156) g Servings Per Recipe: 1 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 51.8 Calories from Fat 0 g 0 % Total Fat 0 g 0 %...
| Chambord and Champagne Especiale Recipe - Food.com sparkling wine, raspberry liqueur, elderflower syrup This recipe came with the bottle of Chambord that I bought. Serving Size: 1 (0) g Servings Per Recipe: 1 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 0 Calories from Fat 0 g 0 % Total Fat 0 g 0 % Sa...
| Bourbon Fog Recipe - Food.com vanilla ice cream, bourbon whisky, coffee Try Bourbon Fog from Food.com. - 8824 Serving Size: 1 (35) g Servings Per Recipe: 15 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 130.8 Calories from Fat 18 g 14 % Total Fat 2.1 g 3 % Saturated Fat ...
| Creamy Russian drink recipe - Drinknation.com ginger ale, vanilla vodka The best recipe for a Creamy Russian alcoholic mixed drink, containing Stolichnaya Vanil and Ginger Ale. Fill glass 1/3 of the way with Vodka (Stoli Vanil recommended). Top off with your favorite Ging...
| German Carbomb Recipe - Food.com beer/lager, jagermeister I watched some guys drinking these during the Super Bowl at a sports bar and was intrigued. I think this might be a GUY drink but I'd be willing to try ONE. Serving Size: 1 (340) g Servings Per R...
| Black and Tan Mocktail Recipe - Food.com ginger beer, ginger ale This is a very easy mocktail and if you love ginger beer like I do, you'll enjoy this. The basic idea is one part ginger ale to one part ginger beer. Serve in a nice tall chilled glass and chill o...
| Baby Becher Recipe - Food.com mint, becherovka, tonic water Found on Supercocktails.com.....looks like a nice refreshing drink. Serving Size: 1 (157) g Servings Per Recipe: 1 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 0 Calories from Fat 0 g 0 % Total Fat 0...
| Irish Brogue Recipe - Food.com irish cream, irish whisky Drink posted for ZWT3 - Try it - YUM! Serving Size: 1 (42) g Servings Per Recipe: 1 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 104.2 Calories from Fat 0 g 0 % Total Fat 0 g 0 % Saturated Fat 0 g 0...
| French Connection Recipe - Food.com amaretto, cognac A classy after-dinner drink. Serving Size: 1 (180) g Servings Per Recipe: 1 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 0 Calories from Fat 0 g 0 % Total Fat 0 g 0 % Saturated Fat 0 g 0 % Choleste...
| Italian Sombrero (The Webtender) amaretto, cream Shake amaretto and cream well, pour into a champagne flute, and serve. Drink Information: Category: Ordinary Drink Alcohol: Alcoholic Serve in: Champagne flute Rating: 7.2 - 4 votes [ vote ] Sou...
| German Sunshine Recipe - Food.com honey liqueur, lemon and lime soft drink, ice This is a mixed drink that I quite enjoy. Bärenjäger means Bear Hunter and this particular honey liqueur is fantastic, though I cannot drink much of it without something to thin it out. Serv...
| How to Get Your Cholesterol Down Recipe - Food.com lemon, aubergine/eggplant, water I got this from a home remedies Brazilian book, it has a home remedie for Serving Size: 1 (1576) g Servings Per Recipe: 1 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 38.3 Calories from Fat 3 g 9 % T...
| Red Wine Punch (The Webtender) orange, lemon, sugar, red wine, sparkling water Mix the icing sugar with the red wine, and stir well. Pour in the soda. Put in some Orange/Lemon slices. Serve immediately with a lot of ice. Creator/contributor's comments: You may use non alco...
| French martini vermouth, chambord, vodka, raspberry liqueur, pineapple juice 1) Combine the ingredients in a cocktail shaker. 2) Fill martini glasses with ice and pour the cocktail over the ice. pineapple vodka vermouth raspberry Dinner Party Party Sunday Lunch Valent...
| Wise-guy cocktail orange, lemon, grapefruit, sugar, campari, vodka, ice 1) Place all the wedges of grapefruit, lemon and orange in a cocktail shaker. Add 2 tbsp of sugar and muddle all the ingredients together. Add the vodka and Campari. 2) Fill the cocktail shaker with ...
| Sangria! Sangria! Recipe - Food.com orange, lime, lemon, maraschino cherry, sugar, red wine, ginger ale, triple sec, brandy, lemonade, club soda, orange juice, lemon juice Adapted from a recipe by HJacoby at allrecipes.com. Serving Size: 1 (177) g Servings Per Recipe: 12 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 122.1 Calories from Fat 0 g 1 % Total Fat 0.1 g 0 % S...
| Champagne and Pomegranate Cocktail pomegranate seed, sugar, sparkling wine, white wine, pomegranate juice 1) Place a sugar cube in the bottom of a champagne flute. Pour in the pomegranate juice, then the champagne or sparkling wine. If liked drop a few fresh pomegranate seeds into the glass. Serve. sugar...
| Wicked Chica Punch – Recipes Network strawberry, sugar, sparkling wine, white wine, brandy, club soda, sparkling water Step 1 Put strawberries in a resealable plastic bag. In a bowl mix together the brandy and sugar, pour mixture into bag with strawberries, close the bag, and refrigerate overnight. Step 2 Pour the ...
| Russian Six Shot drink recipe - Drinknation.com irish cream, kahlua, vodka, chocolate milk, milk, ice The best recipe for a Russian Six Shot alcoholic mixed drink, containing Bailey's, Kahlua, Vodka, Chocolate Milk, Milk and Ice. Add ingredients to a cocktail shaker. Add ice and shake well until...
| Sex On The Beach - Jersey Style (The Webtender) midori, rum, peach schnapps, raspberry liqueur, pineapple juice, cranberry juice, ice Makes 1 gallon of punch -- mix all 4 liquers in 1 parts and fill rest with pineapple and cranberry juice Drink Information: Category: Punch / Party Drink Alcohol: Alcoholic Serve in: Punch bowl R...
| The Irish Pride Shot drink recipe - Drinknation.com creme de menthe, irish cream, irish whisky, irish mist The best recipe for a The Irish Pride Shot alcoholic mixed drink, containing Bailey's, Green creme de menthe and Irish Mist. Shake Irish cream and creme de menthe in a cocktail shaker with ice. P...
| An Irish Kiss (The Webtender) irish cream, kahlua, coffee, whipped cream Pour Baileys and Kahlua into Irish coffee glass, fill glass with hot coffee and top with whipped cream. Creator/contributor's comments: Quite good. Originally found at Kierans Irish Pub in Minne...
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