condiments,sauces,toppings X | | |
Georgian Lamb Marinade Recipe - Food.com lamb leg, olive oil, pepper, onion, salt, lemon juice This recipe is from a Time-Life cookbook published in the 70's (I believe). It is from the former USSR Georgia, not the US state. It was originally used for lamb kebabs but we use it for roast lam...
| Sour Cherry Sauce Recipe - Food.com cornstarch, cherry, sugar, almond essence, white wine The Moscowian duck is one of the staples roasted and served with a sour cherry sauce.I also read this sauce is served with chicken or pork chops. Serving Size: 1 (309) g Servings Per Recipe: 1 AMT. ...
Orange Jelly Recipe - Food.com orange, gelatin, sugar, orange juice, water Jelly is delicious dessert for any occasion. Jelly is very refreshing and light, so it will be a wonderful completion of your dinner. Serving Size: 1 (141) g Servings Per Recipe: 6 AMT. PER SERVING ...
| Russian Style Pickled Herring Recipe - Food.com oil, bay leaf, onion, herring, vinegar, sugar, water I am affirmatively NOT a herring eater, but the rest of the family loves it. They are partial to Russian style herring (silodka). Here is a basic recipe adapted from www.sepicer.com Serving Size: 1 (1...
| Vinnoy Krem Recipe - Food.com heavy cream, nutmeg, lemon, sugar, brandy, double cream Serving Size: 1 (112) g Servings Per Recipe: 6 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 362.3 Calories from Fat 269 g 74 % Total Fat 29.9 g 46 % Saturated Fat 18.6 g 93 % Cholesterol 110.9 mg 3...
| Creamy Russian Dressing - Recipe #582 - Foodgeeks paprika, dried garlic, onion, mayonnaise, tomato ketchup/catsup, sugar, lemon juice Try this recipe for Creamy Russian Dressing on Foodgeeks.com In a small bowl, combine all ingredients until blended. Cover and chill. Similar Recipes dressing , russian dressing 0 Recipe Reviews S...
| Sweet Russian Dressing - Recipe #583 - Foodgeeks oil, cloves, onion, worcestershire sauce, apple cider vinegar, white wine vinegar, tomato ketchup/catsup, sugar Try this recipe for Sweet Russian Dressing on Foodgeeks.com Combine all ingredients except oil. Let stand for 10 minutes. Gradually add oil, blending well. Shake all ingredients well in a tightly cove...
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