Scandinavian Spiced Cake With Applesauce Filling Recipe - Food.com butter, apple sauce, bicarbonate of soda, almond, mace, cinnamon, cardamom, dried ginger, eggs, salt, fat, molasses, brown sugar, sugar, brandy, whipped cream, buttermilk, water, flour This three-layer cake has a whipped cream frosting that's spiked with brandy and molasses. It is from a 1996 issue of Gourmet magazine. Serving Size: 1 (269) g Servings Per Recipe: 8 AMT. PER SE...
| Swedish pinkie (The Webtender) currant vodka, sour mix, cranberry juice, ice Put everything in a mixer and mix thoroughly. Pour into a champagne coupe. Creator/contributor's comments: Great for big parties! If you want to do it for a big party, blend all ingredients in a...
Norwegian Snow Ball Doughnuts - Recipe #5011 - Foodgeeks butter, oil, vanilla, nutmeg, eggs, salt, baking powder, fat, sugar, milk, flour Try this recipe for Norwegian Snow Ball Doughnuts on Foodgeeks.com Add eggs to sugar and beat well, then add butter and mix well. Add vanilla, milk and nutmeg. Sift flour, baking powder and salt and s...
| Norwegian Skolebrod Recipe | SparkRecipes butter, yeast, vanilla custard, cardamom, coconut, eggs, sugar, icing, water, flour A round, sweet bread, rolled in coconut and has a cream type of filling in the middle. Heat water and butter to just below boiling. Mix flour, sugar, cardamom, yeast, and egg in a standing mixer. Add ...
| Scandinavian Oven Pancakes - Recipe #20220 - Foodgeeks butter, banana, strawberry, blackberry, eggs, maple syrup, sugar, milk, flour Try this recipe for Scandinavian Oven Pancakes on Foodgeeks.com Preheat oven to 425. On stove top Heat up a 12in. saute pan with the butter till bubbly. (do not burn butter) meanwhile in a large bowl....
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