Venezuelan Spice Marinade Recipe - Food.com red bell pepper, curry powder, pepper, coriander leaf, onion, garlic, tomato, barbecue sauce, salt Although it is indicated as a marinade for 'meat,' it was probably meant for beef. This recipe is posted as prepare for participation in World Tour 4! Serving Size: 1 (65) g Servings Per Reci...
| Salsa Guasacaca - Venezuelan Avocado Salsa Recipe - Food.com olive oil, pepper, parsley, coriander leaf, chili pepper, avocado, garlic, tomato, eggs, vinegar, salt I found this recipe online and assigned it to my 5th grade Spanish students. It was a big hit with the kids! Guasacaca is traditionally served with grilled meats, but it's also good with chips and...
Guasacaca - Venezuelan Avocado Salsa Recipe - Food.com red bell pepper, hot sauce, olive oil, pepper, coriander leaf, jalapeno, avocado, onion, garlic, tomato, mustard, white wine vinegar, salt This is like a relish that can be served with baked corn chips or sauteed plantains. This salsa has a touch of European flair from the Dijon. Please allow 3 hours to let the flavors marry before addin...
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